About Plant Medicine News

Our goal is to detail the most up to date scientific research evaluating plant medicine. Unfortunately, the majority of the public does not have access to this information because it is typically only available to scientists. Rather than relying on news outlets to report on what they think is interesting our objective is to make all of this information available.  This means you get to decide what is interesting.

With more than 80% of the world relying on traditional medicine including plant medicine there’s a need to report on the most up to date scientific research.  Unfortunately, a small fraction of this research is reported on in the mainstream news sources.  In reality, it’s probably less than 0.1%.   On a regular basis we are reviewing scientific journals that are typically only available to scientists by subscription only. This is especially important as the majority of scientific research in plant medicine receives little attention by the main stream news – and the little bit that does is often not high impact.

A few of the journals include:

journal covers







  • Phytomedicine
  • Planta Medica
  • Molecular Nutrition and Food Research
  • American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
  • Journal of Functional Foods
  • Food and Function
  • Journal of Medicinal Foods
  • Nutrition Research
  • Nutrition Journal
  • Journal of Ethnopharmacology
  • Journal of Herbal Medicine
  • European Journal of Integrative medicine
  • Fitoterapia
  • British Journal of Nutrition
  • Nutrition and Aging
  • Journal of Nutrition Research

Jeremy Johnson, PharmD, PhD

Categories: Plant Medicine