The two proteins identified were Sola I 6 and Sola I 7 which are nonspecific lipid (i.e. fat) transporters in a cell. Induction of an immune reaction was observed following a skin prick test using these purified proteins. The authors suggest, “This present identification is undoubtedly going to clarify the diagnosis of tomato allergy.” Time will tell, however, this research does help unmask the mystery of tomato allergies.
Allergies to tomatoes do put a person as a higher risk of having an allergic reaction to other plants that are in the same family. More specifically, tomatoes are in the nightshade family which also include a number of plants that we are familiar with.
Nightshade plants include:
- tomatoes
- potatoes
- aubergines
- peppers
- chili peppers
- tobacco
- the deadly nightshade Atropa Belladona
Categories: Food