Health benefits of thyme

Thyme is an herb that is related to the mint family and more than likely you have used it for cooking or in a salad dressing.

In total there are more than 400 varieties of thyme grown throughout the world.

In addition to tasting good there are health benefits of thyme.

The history of thyme can be traced all the way back to the Ancient Egyptians who used it in their embalming practice while the Greeks used it as incense.  thyme

Here are the health benefits of thyme:

  • Acne – A study was completed showing that when Thyme was in a solution of alcohol for several days and applied to the skin it could reduce acne.
  • Immune system – Thyme is rich in vitamin A and vitamin C which are important for supporting a healthy immune system.
  • Disinfectant – Thyme contains the phytochemical Thymol which has antibacterial properties
  • Mouthwash – One of the main ingredients of mouthwashes are Thymol which is found in Thyme
  • Insect repellent – Studies have shown that thyme can help repel mosquitos.  More specifically, it has to do with the essential oil of Thyme. One recipe is 4-5 drops of Thyme Essential Oil into a teaspoon of olive oil.  Another recipes is to mix 4-5 drops of Thyme Essential oil into 2 ounces of water.
  • Mood – A study has shown that carvacrol which is found in Thyme helped improve the well being of patients in a clinical trial.

Jeremy Johnson, PharmD, PhD

Categories: Food, Plant Medicine