There are two types: MCV1 is the most common and often seen in children under the age of 15 and MCV2 is more common in adults. This common infection can affect children and adults presenting as raised, pearl-like nodules or papules on the surface of the skin.
Prescriptions for molluscum contagiosum include tretinoin creams (e.g. Retin-A, Avita, Tretin-X) Another prescription for molluscum contagiosum is cantharidin which is a terpenoid found in many species of blister beetles.
* Make sure to speak with your doctor to determine what the best option is for molluscum contagiosum. Remember when applying anything to a skin lesion apply it to a small area to make sure it does not cause irritation. Do not apply it to every papule.
Some people have tried natural approaches for molluscum contagiosum which are listed below.
Coconut oil is often used for providing relief to a variety of skin conditions.
What to do: Apply coconut oil to the affected area 2-3 times daily.
How it works: Coconut soothes inflammation and itching. It is also known to have anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.
Tea tree oil is from Australia and has a variety of skin promoting properties that can help clear your skin of MCV.
What to do: Use a q-tip or cotton swab that has been dipped in tea tree oil. Apply the oil to the affected area. This can be repeated 2-4 times daily. *Sometimes people may dilute this in olive oil or coconut oil if it irritates the skin.
How it works: The tea tree oil is reported to have anti-viral and anti-microbial activity. One part of tea tree essential oil is terpinen-4-ol.
This essential oil comes from the Mediterranean herb and contains the components carvacrol, thymol, cymene, pinene, linalool, terpinene among others.
What to do: Mix 1 tablespoon (30 mL) with 6-8 drops of oregano essential oil. Apply to the affected area with a q-tip 3-4 times daily.
How it works: Oregano essential oil contains many phytochemicals including carvacrol, thymol and others that have been shown to have antimicrobial and antifungal capabilities.
Olive leaf has long been suggested as having anti-microbial and anti-viral properties.
What to do: Mix several drops of olive leaf extract in olive oil and apply it to the affected area. Repeat 2 to 3 times daily.
How it works: Olive leaf extract contains oleuropein which is reported in the scientific literature to have anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic properties.
Apple cider vinegar is reported to have many anti-microbial properties along with skin soothy properties.
What to do: Apply undiluted apple cider vinegar with a q-tip to the affected area before bed and after you wake up. This can then be covered with duct tape over the affected area.
How it works: The scientific literature suggests there are anti-microbial and anti-viral properties.
Yes you read that right.
What to do: Apply the duct tape over the affected area to create a good seal. Replace the duct tape as needed.
How it works: The duct tape is believed to work by limiting the air exposure to the virus. In addition, the tape is believed to encourage immune cells to attack the virus.
Another simple and effective solution to getting rid of molluscum contagiosum is rubbing alcohol.
What to do: Soak a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol and apply to the affected areas. Repeat the process 2 to 3 times daily.
How it works: Alcohol will help kill the infection.
Often used in curry dishes, this plant has a long history of use for different skin conditions.
What to do: Make a paste with aloe vera gel or honey. Mix 1 tablespoon with turmeric with honey or aloe vera gel to form a paste. Apply paste to the affected areas 2-3 times daily.
How it works: Turmeric contains curcumin which has anti-inflammatory properties and anti-microbial properties.
Take away message: Speak with your doctor to determine the best way to provide relief for molluscum contagiosum. Make sure when applying for the first time to apply to only one papule to make sure it does not cause irritation. Wait one day before applying to any other papules. Molluscum contagiosum is difficult to get rid of and you may need to try some different things.
Categories: Infection, Plant Medicine, Skin, Virus