Today pygeum is used in Europe for controlling symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
There are several mechanisms proposed for pygenum that include decreasing inflammation, inhibiting 5-alpha reductase activity to decrease formation of dihydrotestosterone.
The bark of pygeum is what has traditionally been used and more recently has been found to contain phytochemicals including beta-sitosterols.
A clinical trial was completed that tested pygeum given one time or two times daily. The daily dose of each group was the same which was 100 mg of pygeum given daily.
The results were published in the journal Urology.
Here is the study design
– 174 Human subjects participated in the study.
– Dosage: Patients received either 50 mg of pygeum two times daily or 100 mg of pygeum one time daily.
– Length of the study: 10 months
– Primary outcome: Patients were assess or the International Prostate Symptom Score (PSS), quality of life, and maximum urinary flow rate.
Here are the results of more clinical trials with plant extracts.
Here are the results
– Both doses were found to be equally effective.
– IPSS improved by 38% in patients with Pygeum 50 mg twice daily and 35% with 100 mg pygeum one time daily.
– Quality of life improved by 28% in both groups. Maximum urine flow rate (Qmax) increased by 16% (i.e. 1.63 milliliters per second) and 19% (2.02 milliliters per second).
– The safety profile was similar between both doses suggested the regimen was safe over a 10 year period.
Here is what the authors had to say about their study
Patients’ compliance with the treatment may be improved by a simple dosage regimen (single versus multiple intake per day). A 100-mg capsule was therefore developed; the present study compared the efficacy and safety of the two dosage regimens after 2 months of treatment, as well as the long-term effects of the 100-mg once daily regimen.
The results of this study confirm those previously obtained in randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled and open trials
It can be concluded that P. africanum extract offers an alternative for the treatment of patients with mild to moderate symptoms of BPH; the effects of once daily administration of 100 mg of P. africanum extract are similar to those of the currently recommended dosage regimen of 50 mg twice daily.
Take away message
This study confirms previous results reporting that pygeum can decrease symptoms associated with BPH (i.e. enlarged prostate). The effects suggest that once daily administration of pygeum of 100 mg of Pygeum extract is similar to 50 mg of pygeum taken two times daily.
Chatelain et al. Comparison of once and twice daily dosage forms of Pygeum africanum extract in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia: a randomized, double-blind study, with long-term open label extension. Urology. 1999 Sep; Volume 54 (Issue 3): pages 473-8.
Categories: Antioxidant, Clinical Trials, Inflammation, prostate