This bush is a woody crop that high in oil with traditional uses that include curing atherosclerosis, rheumatism, hyperpiesia, chronic hepatitis, and child enuresis.
Further suggesting the health benefits of Xanthoceras sorbifolia the China Pharmacopoeia included this plant in the 1977 edition.
Recent research has identified polyphenols, triterpenes and sterols including quercetin.
Read here about clinical trials using quercetin
A recent study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry identified a variety of polyphenols in the nut extract.
Here is how the study was performed
– Mature seeds of X. sorbifolia were collected from Xian Botanical Garden of Shannxi Province during the harvest
– Air-dried nutshells of X. sorbifolia were made into a fine powder and extracted with 70% aqueous methanol with butylated hydroxytoluene.
Here are the polyphenols in Xanthoceras sorbifolia nut extract
1 benzoic acid
2 isoeugenol
3 tran-cinnamic acid
4 p-hydroxybenzoic acid
5 vanillic acid
6 gentisic acid
7 gallic acid
8 p-coumaric acid
9 o-hydroxycinnamic acid
10 o-phthalic acid
11 ferulic acid
12 caffeic acid
13 cinnamic acid
14 sinapic acid
15 quercetin
16 (+)-catechin
17 hydroxytyrosol
18 syringic acid
19 p-hydroxyphenylacetic acid
20 (−)-epicatechin
Take away message
Previous studies have identified quercetin and myricetin polyphenols along with 37 other phytochemicals. This study identified 20 different polyphenols in the nut extract. Future studies are likely underway to determine the health promoting properties of Xanthoceras sorbifolia nut extract.
Zhao et al. Nutshell Extracts of Xanthoceras sorbifolia: A New Potential Source of Bioactive Phenolic Compounds as a Natural Antioxidant and Immunomodulator. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, Volume 66 (Issue 15), pages 3783–3792
Categories: Antioxidant, Food, Plant Extracts