Butterbur has been used as an herbal treatment for migraines, headaches, asthma, urinary tract infections, wounds, allergies, and upset stomach.
Herbal remedies may use the root, stem or leaf of the butterbur plant.
How does butterbur work for migraines?
Many phytochemicals are found in butterbur, however, two phytochemicals have gained interest for reducing migraine headaches.
The phytochemicals believed to help reduce the symptoms of migraines are petasin and isopetasin.
The exact mechanism is not understood, however, one idea is that butterbur can reduce inflammation. This action is believed to be responsible for reducing headache frequency.
Are there side effects with Butterbur?
There is not much available for long-term use however some known side effects that are rare include:
– Burping
– Headaches
– Difficulty breathing
– Fatigue
– Drowsiness
Who should not take butterbur?
Yes. Our goal is always to error on the side of caution.
Women who are pregnant or nursing should not take butterbur.
Some ingredients in butterbur are similar to other plants that include borage, gravel root and ragwort. You should use only one at a time to avoid any side effects from taking too many petasins.
If you have liver disease you should speak with your doctor or pharmacist before taking butterbur.
Are there any safety concerns with butterbur?
Yes. You want to make sure that the product does not contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs). Products are available on the market indicated to be free of pyrrolizidine alkaloids
The studies used in clinical trials were done with products that had the pyrrolizidine alkaloids removed.
Categories: Ask the Pharmacist, Headaches, Migraines, Pain