Aloe vera is known has many healing properties beyond preventing an infection from a scrap or cut.
Additional benefits of aloe vera include anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anti-oxidant, immune boosting and more.
Previously we described the three different layers of Aloe here.
Here is some information about what is in the aloe gel
– Rind and gel constitute the major portion of whole leaf weight (20–30% and 70–80%, respectively).
– On a dry matter basis the gel consists of 55% polysaccharides, 17% sugars, 7% proteins, 4% lipids, 16% minerals, 1% phenolic compounds and a variety of vitamins including vitamin A, C, E, B1, B2, B12, niacin, choline and folic acid.
– Carbohydrates consist of mono and polysaccharides including glucomannans, xylose, rhamnose, galactose and arabinose.
– Enzymes present in Aloe vera gel include catalase, amylase, oxidase, cellulase, lipase and carboxypeptidase.
– Potassium and chloride are present in excessive amounts whereas sodium, calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, chromium and iron are present in small amounts.
– A series of glycosides (anthraquinones) are present in Aloe gel with aloin A and aloin B being the most prominent.
– Anthraquinones and their derivatives are potent antimicrobials and analgesic agents.
– Around 20 amino acids are present in Aloe vera gel among which seven are essential amino acids.
Maan et al. The therapeutic properties and applications of Aloe vera: A review. Journal of Herbal Medicine 2018
Categories: Antioxidant, Infection, Inflammation, Medical Foods