Over the last several years evidence has emerged suggesting rhubarb has anti-inflammatory activity.
In addition, rhubarb has been suggested to has laxative properties assisting in digestion and bowel function.
A recent systematic review, also known as a meta-analysis, has been published in the journal Phytotherapy Research
Study details
Databases used: The databases, including PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane Library, Chinese Biomedical Database, Wanfang database, VIP medicine information system, and China National Knowledge Infrastructure Database (CNKI), were used.
A total of 799 records were identified and 15 clinical trials were included in the meta-analysis
Here are the results:
Rhubarb used in combination with somatostatin or octreotide showed better efficacy than stilamin alone on decreasing alone on decreasing death in severe acute pancreatitis.
Patients receiving rhubarb had relief from abdominal pain compared to those not receiving rhubarb (i.e. control groups)
Patients receiving rhubarb had a significant reduction in amylase, a marker of pancreatitis.
Here is what the authors had to say
Rhubarb, as a traditional Chinese medicine, has been used for thousands of years. It was recorded in Shennong Ben Cao Jing that rhubarb powder has laxative and cathartic effects (Wan, 2014).
In this meta‐analysis, 15 prospective randomized controlled trials involving 912 participants were included. It provides evidence that when compared with orthodox treatment alone, combination of rhubarb with trypsin inhibitor (e.g., somatostatin, ulinastatin, stilamin, and octreotide) was more effective in reducing mortality, length of hospitalization, rate of complications, abdominal pain relief time, first defecation time, and serum amylase, as well as manifesting significant improvement in overall efficiency.
Meanwhile, there is no obvious adverse effect.
Hu J, Li P, Zhang T. Rhubarb combined with trypsin inhibitor for severe acute pancreatitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Phytother Res. 2018 Aug;32(8):1450-1458
Categories: Detoxification, Digestion, Inflammation, Nausea, Pain