Clinical Trials
Up to date clinical trials with phytochemicals and plant extracts. The outcomes in these clinical trials have been used to assess pain, arthritis, pharmacokinetics, antioxidant status, cholesterol, menopause, womens health, and more.
Clinical trial tests olive oil enriched with polyphenols for improving HDL
Clinical trial determines if lycopene from whole tomatoes or tomato paste is absorbed better
Strawberry drink reduces markers of inflammation in clinical trial
Clinical Trial: Virgin olive oil with thyme improves antioxidant protection in high cholesterol patients
… Read more...Results of a clinical trial: Can caffeine make you sprint faster?
Clinical trial results of the essential oil ingredient linalool for carpal tunnel syndrome
Milk thistle tested in clinical trial for improving mucositis in cancer patients
Herb based product to treat arthritis for your dog? Results of a clinical trial
Arthritis is a common problem in people and in dogs. The technical