Ursolic acid is a triterpene and found in many plants. Ursolic is found in apples, bilberries, cranberries, elder flower, peppermint, lavender, oregano, thyme, hawthorn, prunes and others.
Function of Ursolic Acid in plants
Ursolic acid is often produced when a plant is under attack from a bacteria or fungal pathogen.
Health Benefits of Ursolic Acid
Ursolic acid has been used topically on skin and taken by mouth internally.
Skin – Ursolic acid is used in many cosmetic formulations because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Urosolic acid has also been used to treat burns.
Anti-bacterial – Ursolic acid has been shown to inhibit the growth of candida albicans (i.e. yeast) and microsporium lenosum.
Chemical properties of Ursolic acid
MW 456.68
Formula: C30 H48 O3