In fact if you visit Florida, orange juice will be waiting for every visitor at Florida Welcome Centers.
Back in 1967 orange juice became the official beverage of Florida owing to the importance of oranges on the state’s economy.
A recent study published in the journal of Molecular Nutrition and Food Research wanted to determine if biomarkers (e.g. proteins, enzymes, etc.) are altered with orange juice using ‘metabolomics’.
Metabolomics using a technique to evaluate different chemicals produced in a cell to determine the cellular events.
In other words, they wanted to determine if normal or high levels of polyphenols would produce a different metabolic signature in human subjects.
For example, could markers of inflammation and oxidative stress be reduced with polyphenols in orange juice.
The purpose of this study was to determine if a different metabolic profile would occur based on the amount of antioxidants present.
Here are the study details:
– 500 milliliters of OJ was consumed for 12 weeks
– 30 human subjects participated in the study
– Normal OJ contained 237 mg of hesperidin, 45 mg of narirutin and 17 mg of didymin
– High polyphenol OJ contained 582.5 mg of hesperidin, 125 mg of narirutin and 34 mg of didymin
Here are the results after 12 weeks:
– Oxidation of linolenic acid was significantly reduced with High polyphenol OJ but not after Normal OJ.
– Arachidonic acid derivatives (a marker of inflammation) was increased in the normal OJ group but not the High Polyphenol OJ group.
– The results of this study showed that a panel of biomarkers could be evaluated in a high throughput manner to identify if regular OJ or High Polyphenol OJ were consumed.
Take away message:
The results of this study should emphasize that many polyphenols in oranges are responsible for their health promoting properties. According to this study consuming at least 300 mg of flavanones from orange juice for 12 weeks improved oxidative stress markers and inflammatory markers. When choosing fruits and juices fresher is better. It is well known that the polyphenols in orange juice do break down over time which is why fresh prepared juice is best.
Categories: Antioxidant, Clinical Trials, Inflammation