Bugleweed can also be used as ground cover where grass is difficult to grow.
Latin Name
Lycopus virginicus
Other names for Bugleweed
– Water Bugle
– Sweet Bugle
– gypsyweed
Parts of plant used
Flowers and leaves
Phytochemicals in Bugleweed
flavonoids, bitters, tannins, and volatile oils
Medicinal Uses
Relax a racing heart
Bugleweed has historically been used to low down a fast heartbeat. This is especially helpfuled for someone that is anxious or is pushing themselves too hard. Another use of the calming effect can help someone fall asleep.
Here are more articles on natural ways to help you fall and stay asleep.
Another condition that some people suffer from is hyperthyroidism, or an over active thyroid. Bugleweed can help slow down an overactive thyroid when taken orally. Bugleweed has also been used by applying it to the skin. The oil contains phytochemicals that help support healthy thyroid function.
Herbal Pharmacy
Infusion – 1 or 2 teaspoons per cup. This can be steeped 10 to 15 minutes. 1 to 2 cups daily
Tincture – 10 to 30 drops taken up to 3 times daily.
The stems of this plant grow up to 2 feet and will contain flowers that will grown in clusters as shown in the picture.
Here are more articles on natural ways to help you fall and stay asleep.
Categories: Herbal Pharmacy